Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BFP Bullet Fucking Points & AFP Amanda Fucking Palmer

Holy crapola. I'm getting behind on updating again. Quickly:

-UVA so far is working out lovelely.

-My roommate is pretty awesome.
--Sidenote: although my roomie last year was pretty awesome too, she was kind of antisocial. And I'm slowly realizing that just chillin with her alone together in our dorm is basically the reason it took me forever to make friends last year.

-Expanding off the sidenote sorta, having a doorstop to keep our dorm door open is THE BEST THING. Seriously. I know half the hall pretty well now.

-Already visited NoVA for the bf and Mason friends. It was quite successful and the drive was under 2 hours. Good: I can go up there often like cake. Bad: I'll now being going up there so often the gas money will be killa cake.

--Sidenote: Have I mentioned this? The bf and I bought tix to fly to Boston for Amanda Fucking Palmer in Cabaret and Amanda Fucking Palmer's Late-Night Fucking Cabaret. His parents used their points to get us a hotel. It's going to be so fucking awesome. Did I also mention that this will make me literally go broke? I've been saying I've been broke for a while, since I have no job, but that was just figuratively, since I have no job. Now it will be literally. But it shall be the most fun going broke I will likely ever experience. Fuck yes.

UM...YES. Ms Palmer beckons and I come.

Read that as you see fit.

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