Friday, November 20, 2009

Shouldn't dwell on the past...

College is really not going as planned.
I thought making friends would be cake, my weekends would fill up, I'd actually make it past the tipsy-level of drunkeness, and I'd be completely happy.
Not at all.
I'm stuck on Friday night again, with plans that I don't even want. I can't wait for Tuesday when I drive home for Thanksgiving break. I never thought I'd want to go home as much as I do. I don't miss my family, well only my dog, I miss my friends. But still. I thought having new friends would out-weigh missing my old friends.
I think another reason I'm so ticked about CC blowing me off (still haven't heard from him since) is because he provided a window into the college life I desired. Friends and fun every night.
Oh, and those plans I don't want? This guy has been flirting with me for the past couple of weeks, but I'm just really not into it. He's not ugly or a jerk or anything, I'm just not feeling it. But I figure some plans are better than no plans, and he invited me to hang out (since his roommate left for break already and he'll be lonely). Maybe this time I'll make it perfectly clear that I'm not going to hook up with him.

Side note, I'm going to text CC soon with some sort of convo starter, just so I can see if he's completely avoiding me. I'm sick of trying to catch him on facebook chat. He's either NEVER on or he's blocked me. Which I doubt because that's extreme, I have done nothing to prompt it. Unless he's just totally insecure with what happened between us. Let's hope not. I feel like everything could be chill between us, still be friends, and not be awkward. But not talking to me doesn't help. I'm hoping he's waiting for me to talk to him, though I hiiiiighly doubt that.
Wow, long side note. Clearly I'm still hung up on what happened. It's just all so aggravating.

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