Saturday, September 25, 2010

ASPCA; White Knuckles by OK Go

Ok, another installment in my music list. I think I'm just going to copycat iTunes a bit and call this series "Gee.Ay.'s Discovery Download." As in, I discover, and you should download. Or, in actuality, since I don't plan to become a prolific blogger and like keeping it more as a personal journal, it's more, I discover, I downloaded, and now I won't forget about it. Maybe ten years from now I can come back to his humble blog and rediscover amazing music that had become dusty over the years. That would be ideal.

So now for the next installment.
I *doubt* I'll ever forget about OK Go, since I love them so. I'm mainly posting the next video for its awesomeness. The song("White Knuckles")'s great too, but I want to focus on the video. Basically, the band hired out some rescue dogs and trained them and now are promoting the ASPCA. Clearly they know the way to this girls heart.
If anyone does read this post, please please please find some extra cash in your heart and buy the video for your personal computer pleasure. They're donating the net proceeds to help even more rescue doggies.

Now, finally, here's my newest discovery download:

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