Monday, November 2, 2009

Procrastination says "You're my bitch"

November is going to be one hell of a month. Not as in yay!busy!exciting!, but as in figuratively literally hell. Assignments keep piling up and, especially, the due dates of my research paper keep creeping closer and closer. Why didn't I pick a more simple topic? I envy my hallmate who chose the debate about spanking. Simple- one side says spanking's good, one side says spanking's bad. The end.
Let me just stop myself from continuing that rant on my paper. It's pointless.

Is it Christmas time yet?

Oh so I already broke my water binge...But only by one drink! I wasn't on campus for once, I was at a Five Guys, and had already bought a regular drink cup. I only got Nestea though, so at least I continued not consuming soda.
I'm not too upset by this single slip-up. I shall continue the water-fest.

Now I'm just sitting here, trying to think of something else to write about. Clearly I have much much much more important things to do. Just thinking about it makes my heart rate spike.
BLECH. I must s t o p.

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