Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Remarried Gangsta

Mmmmm, winter break, you're lovely. I haven't done much with you yet though, have I?

I guess the big Christmas hullabaloo really starts today though. Family from Florida is driving in today and family from Maryland is driving in either tonight or tomorrow morning. Christmas is the one time of year I truly enjoy being with my family. I know that sounds awful, but I think its that way with a lot of people and holidays.

Tomorrow though...*sigh* Tomorrow my grandfather is getting remarried. Of course I support him and his happiness, and the woman is lovely, but I just can't support the act/idea. I don't feel its necessary that he should marry her. Why can't they just be together. Why the ceremony? I guess its the old-fashionedness in them but still, c'mon. I mean, I understand why they're doing it, I just don't agree with their reasoning. But I'll just slap on that fake smile I've perfected over the years while I cry on the inside, practically forced to think of my deceased grandmother all day. (Yeah that sentence needs some restructuring, but you can suck it)

Now I've lost my train of thought.

Oh I really need to start my UVA Transfer App. I guess I'm putting it off because I'm not looking forward to all that work, that I just did last year, that goes into these applications. There's too much little stuff to worry about in those things.
But on the plus side, STRAIGHT A'S BITCHESSSS. Yup, somehow I managed to pull off an A in Astronomy (after having failed one of the four exams) and an A- in Research. Fuck yessss this will look good for that transfer application. This is the first time I've achieved straight A's in like five years too.
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

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