Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rocky December Astronomy

So ya know how I've been melancholic about my college social life? Well, it's looking up. I've made a good friend on my floor and, through her, I've met more people. Not necessarily new friends, but it's a good sign of things to come. Plus this weekend has been/will be very college-y. Last night I went out with her to a club, tonight we're going to Rocky Horror, and today & tomorrow I'm revising a 12 page paper and studying for a big calc test.

December's going to be a good month I believe.

Except the part where I have to study my ass off for my astronomy final because I got a 56 on an exam I forgot about when I got back from Turkey Break. Yeah, bombed an exam that counts as 22.5% of my grade. I played around with some hypothetical grading and it looks like I can still manage a B for the semester. I hope.
I don't want to think about this situation too much or it will make me very upset. I could have easily had an A in that class. But that mindset is why I put this class on the backburner and totally forgot about the exam. Oh well, I've learned my lesson I guess...

P.S. It's snowing right now! And sticking! Looks like I'm finally back to enjoying snow again!

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